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**Updated 03/07/2025**
**Here is a page on Folding the Flag at a Funeral.
go Here.
**Here is a Pamphlet for the training that is scheduled?
for the MidWinter Conf. in Appleton. Click Here.
**Having problems with your M1 Rifles?
Here is the latest scoop on the Repairs needed.
Here is a great video for New Members.
To quickly locate these Articles in Hot News, click one of these titles!
These Articles are on individual pages.
Go here for all of the latest DEPARTMENT Hot News!
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Today's New Trivia Question: Where did the name Tupperware come from? Answer: Frome the name of the inventer, Earl Silas Tupper, hence Tupperware Products.   |
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American Legion has established a Website
for all Posts, Officers and Members.
Click MYLEGION to start to use the new version
or update your post membership!
Read this letter for directions on the new SSO signon.
Watch New MyLegion Summary
The 10th District DEC soon will be
starting to use ZOOM.
It is a Virtual Meeting Package that can be
loaded on a smart phone or PC and we can then convene a virtual
meeting. The next couple Documents explain how to use it.
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Remember the Four Pillars of the American Legion! Still Serving! |
Here is a link to the U.S. Dept of Veterans Affairs
also check this site for "Sign Up For Email Updates" from the VA.
For information about VA benefits and services that you may be eligible for,
visit www.Explore.VA.gov
Check out this chart released by the VA.
Print these also, and distribute.
How does Medicare and VA Benefits work together, go HERE to find out.
Message from the Network Director
Good Morning Valued Stakeholders-
We are writing to remind you that we are on the eve of the
first major milestone in MISSION Act implementation.
The MISSION Act is landmark legislation, passed in a bipartisan
manner with the strong support of Veterans Service
Organizations.This is a pivotal time for VA.
We are strengthening VA health
care and empowering the Veterans we serve with more care options,
and it begins tomorrow, June 6th.
My VISN 12 team and our Medical Centers have worked diligently over
the last few months in preparation for this day.
This week I have visited a different medical center every day,
rounding with Community Care staff, Medical Support Assistants
and Call Center staff. I have been extremely impressed with
their knowledge of the changes coming with the MISSION Act
and engagement in assisting our Veterans with questions.
I have attached additional documents to further inform you
and your staff on the MISSION Act.
1.) MISSION Act VA Health Care Options Brochure. This brochure
was included in the original ZipFile, but would like to note that
this has been mailed to every Veteran enrolled with the VA.
2.) MISSION Act Community Care Booklet. This booklet expands
on the information provided in the Health Care Options brochures.
These booklets will be available at every VA Medical Center.
VA- FS Veteran Care Agreements. This fact sheet outlines how a community
provider can establish a Veteran Care Agreement with the VA.
VA-FS Billing and Payment. This fact sheet outlines information
related to co-pays.
Our Medical Centers are anticipating increased call
volume tomorrow and have developed local operating centers
to ensure calls are triaged appropriately.
We have equipped our staff with all of the appropriate training
and information for them to assist all of our customers.
If you receive questions/issues you are unable to address locally
please feel free to reach out to the Acting VISN 12 Public Affairs
Officer, Kathleen Kennedy. She can be reached by phone at
224-275-5261 or via e-mail at Kathleen.kennedy2@va.gov.
June 6th is just the beginning. VA will continue to
evolve and lead in the months and years to come,
enhancing our care, services, IT systems, and programs
for the benefit of America’s Veterans.
Thank you,
Victoria Brahm, MSN, RN, VHA-CM
Acting Network Director, VISN 12
New American Legion Mobile App now available.
A new App has been developed that offers several reasons to
join the nation's largest veterans organization, along with with a
direct route to join, renew donate
or find a local post from any smartphone or electronic tablet.
This App is available from Google Play Store. Download the App there.
After clicking below, enter Legion in the search box.
Click Here...
National Legion Website Newsletter.
If you go to the National American Legion Website and scroll down
to the yellow box labeled; "Choose Your Newsletter", and click it,
you will walk through a questionnaire to enter your ID number and Last
Name. You can then click on the newsletters you want in your email.
This website is also available on the Home Page.
It may take a while for their database to be updated.
Does your Historian need a great tool to
record the history of your Post?
The American Legion has a workbook that can really be a great tool.
Click Workbook to get a copy.
Or click here Centennial Workshop Guide. to get a copy of ths guide.
The Legionaire Insurance Trust.
Here is a printable Report on the 5 attributes.
The Legionaire Insurance Trust now has an online enrollment site that
can be used to enroll for the no cost for $5000 Accidental Death Benefit.
Click Here to download this Media Kit
Click Here to print copy of this memo.
Click Here to go directly to their Enrollment Site.
Here are some articles released March 11th about this Insurance.
The Postcard and The Legion Care letter.
Dept Adjutant has sent this Handbook to give more info.
Here is a Letter from the Insurance carrier that you need to read.
Legion Sponsored Medicare Supplement Policy.
Check out this Press Release concerning
the American Legion Sponsored Medicare Supplement Policy.
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District 10 Bylaws and Constitution Here is a new copy of the 10th District Constitution Here is a new copy of the 10th District Bylaws These are the clean copies that were voted on in April. |
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For those Posts and Countys that may need to recover their Bylaws,
here is a Suggested Constitution and Bylaws to start with.
Here is a printable copy of Roberts Rules of Order.
CVSO Lookup Page.
No matter where you are, there is a CVSO standing
by to assist any and all Veterans. Find yours here!
Wisconsin CVSO by County
New VA Veterans ID Card.
Starting in November of 2017, the VA will be issuing new
Official Veterans ID Card.Get yours here!
Here is a list of very important Wisconsin
Legal Resources for Military and Veterans.
New Membership Kit.
As we celebrate 100 YEARS of WHY – you can use these tools to
tell your story. There are candidates, find them. BE LEGION PROUD!
Here are some Printouts to asist your efforts.
The Posters are fillable with your Post Info.
Click HERE to get a copy of the Kit.
Click HERE to get a copy of the Recruiting FAMILY Poster.
Click HERE to get a copy of the Recruiting Flyer.
Click HERE to get a copy of the Uncle Sam FAMILY Poster.
Click HERE to get a copy of the Uncle Sam Flyer.
Camp American Legion Update.
Camp will be open and running on 2022!
Click HERE to get a copy of the latest Wish List.
Click HERE to get a copy of the latest Application to go camping.
Use only the 2023 Application as it contains new required info.
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Badger Boys State Information Season 2024 will be Jun 09-15 This will be the 81th session in this state. Here is the BBS Letter Her is the BBS Sponsorship Card. Cost for 2023 will be $400.00. Go HERE for more information. Here is BBS Brochure. |
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Here is a video that you may enjoy!
The Wisconsin Badger Legionnaire Newspaper
is available online and can be viewed
or downloaded.
You can see the most current edition, the previous
edition along with the last supplement.
Go HERE for your copy.
The Wisconsin Department of the
American Legion is offering a nice
Scholarship that can be acquired on line by
taking a test of 50 questions.
Go HERE for your copy of this flyer.
Here are the 10th District Winners.
1st Place Senior Trae Kreibich Somerset High School
2nd Place Junior Henry Pike Cameron High School
3rd Place Sophomore Rebekah Oehler Menomonie High School
Veterans: Starting a Business Could
Be Rewarding and Lucrative
Veterans often have special qualities that
set them apart from the rest.
If this sounds like something you would like
to look into further, click the links below for
more information.
Feature Article: Starting a Business
It is best to have a business plan, so go HERE for help.
Go HERE to research the Grants Available.
Veteran Women Igniting the Spirit of Entrepreneurship,
V-WISE can benefit Female Veterans.
Those looking to start an LLC can go HERE.
There is also the option to jump into a Franchise, check HERE
Here we have added another resource, Small Business
Entrepreneurship Outreach at Digital.com
They have a great Guide to help you out.
Check this Guide out.
The Wisconsin Department of the
American Legion has a tool to check
the welfare of your fellow members.
Check this HERE for your copy of this Kit.
The Wisconsin Department of the
American Legion has opted to
open the Legion Baseball season for 2024.
May 15th was the cutoff for registration.
The American Legion Indy Car
American Legion has sponsored
Jimmie Johnson with our car.
Get your free Indy Poster here.
What Veterans Should Know About
Returning To School
Returning to school is an excellent way for veterans to prepare
for civilian life, If you're thinking about attending college
after time in the military, take a look at this article.
What You Should Know About
The PACT Act.
This Act was finally passed that allows a lot more
Veterans to receive the benefits they deserve.
PACT Act extends the time period to be elligible for VA
benefits. The VA has also extended the Period of War for the
Vietnam War. Dates have been updated to November 1, 1955
till May 7, 1975. Agent Orange dates remain as January 9, 1962
till May 7, 1975. Contact your CVSO for further info.
Here all of the INFORMATION you need.
Here are the Questions you might ask.
Veterans Still Serving America!